Friday, October 28, 2011

Spiraling In and Out of Love

Love is grand, decadent and wonderful, but it isn’t perfect. People are as different as their ideas about love and what it is supposed to be or feel. Much like life, love grows and evolves as the days go by. We change and shift and so does our emotions and how we feel and relate to others. This does not mean that love cannot last, but it changes as we live, grow and learn. Adding the pressure of love remaining the same puts a strain on relationships and causes them to fracture and break apart. As we accept that change is inevitable, then we can embrace the idea that love is unlimited, undying and ultimately evolving.

Here is a poem from my collection, Love the Vicious Cycle


For the time we met

Throughout the time of you and I

There was little time to create a love for you


Another time to pass

Is the time it takes

For me to

Get over you