Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Pitfalls of Attempting to do it all

This article appears in the Home Party Review Magazine July 2008

There is a lot to be said for the multi-tasker and for those who can envision a bigger picture and implement the array of steps and strategies that help them achieve success-- that small percentile of the population that are genius. And then there are the rest of us who realize that we have particular strengths and weaknesses that remind us that we are not perfect and we cannot know everything and do well in all things.
In all industries there are various departments and job descriptions created to develop a forced focus, if you will, on what those individuals are most competent. There are specialist in every possible career and rightfully so. Everyone has talents and skills that are better suited for one industry than another or one aspect of business or the other. Although many cross pollinate from department or career, we tend to migrate to what we love to do and what we are good at doing.
Bill Cosby and Oprah Winfrey have both acknowledged that they surround themselves with people smarter they are. Not to imply that they are not smart, but for good business sense and as a way to solidify a foundation that reinforces their vision.
Pitfalls become the stumbling of many “micropreneurs” and home based business owners (those who go it on a shoestring budget and most times alone) find it is difficult to wear the many hats necessary to perform the duties and responsibilities required for a quality and efficiency.
For instance; the independent publisher may attempt to self edit only later to receive a call from a friend informing them that on the cover of their newly printed book there are three typographical errors. I gasped, for it happened to me personally.
Or another example is if you’re really not a numbers guy and in the process of doing your own accounting, realize a major mistake and the result; an audit.
With the amount of stress involved with running business today, we must come to the conclusion that the foundation of good business lies in understanding what you’re best at, and partnering or hiring those who are better at those things that you are not. It comes with a cost. You can barter or pay their fee, or God forbid, pay for the mistake of not doing so.
C. Rearie is known for the quote “When passion and skill come together, you create a masterpiece.” We must be honest and ask ourselves where does our passion lie and what are our skill sets that support that passion? At that time we can begin to seek out the support of other individuals or businesses that have a passion for the things that cover our weaker areas. Then there is not only one masterpiece being created, but many.
In the American melting pot; a nation of diversity and opportunity, we are all unique and talented. Best of all we are all in this together for we can’t sell without buying and we cannot perform our business without the help of others in some way or another. Letting go of responsibilities open us up to focus on what we are best. And it is there where we begin to shine. © 2008 Kat Smith