Thursday, August 9, 2012

Effects of Negativity in Daily Life

The average adult has 300 negative thoughts per day, about one every 2 ½ minutes, according to the Midwest Center for Stress Control.
Feelings like anger, insecurity, anxiety, and jealousy not only trigger aches, pains, or digestive problems in the body but can also lead to chronic disease conditions and a shorter life span. Negative and hostile feelings are associated with increases in adrenaline and cortisol, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, higher cholesterol levels and alterations in the immune system.
Health Effects of Negative Thoughts
Recent research has found that people having a habitual negative disposition are also at a higher risk for suffering from memory problems later in life, including a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. Brain scans noted that the structure of the brain is physically changed and functions altered in those with chronic negative thinking. Long term exposure to the chemicals produced can actually cause parts of the brain to become inactive.

Read more at Suite101: Negativity and Your Health: Moods and Attitudes Play an Important Role in Being Healthy |


Lewis Clark said...

That is really informative blog, Agree that people are more negative than positive now. This is where psychiatrist should be consulted before things get worse